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May 19 - 28, 2023
We believe that change begins with us! In this pivotal season for our community, we’re committing to 24 hours of non-stop prayer for 10 straight days. 

We need individuals to commit to join the churches that have signed-up to cover one 24-hour period.  We want to honor your own personal tradition and want you to feel free to pray in the manner in which you deem fit (i.e., Baptist, Pentecostal, etc.).  If you would like to be part of the community-wide prayer intiative, then please contact us and we will make sure that you have the have a place in your tradition in which you can pray.

On May 28th, at 6:00 p.m., we are asking every person to join us at Old courthouse steps on Cherokee avenue in Downtown Cartersville  for a time of corporate paryer and intercession.  This will be a solid hour of nothing but concentrated, kingdom-focused prayer.  His church, seeking His face, for His glory!